miércoles, 29 de julio de 2020


To start, what seems to me the most difficult in English is to be able to speak it, since many times the pronunciation is not so exact and it can give a sense of other things. In general, listening to people speak English seems very difficult to me, it is hard for me to understand what they speak, but  speaking it is a great challenge. Sometimes there are words that I dont say or I forget, so I think I speak as a caveman.

As for the types of English (British or USA), I feel like my English teachers have always taught me English from the USA which is why I understand it better, but when I try to watch USA movies without subtitles I get lost, because they speak very quickly Now, I must rescue that, if I can read documents in English and understand them, but when I answer, writing, I feel insecure of making mistakes or misspelling the verb tenses.

I think the easiest thing in English could be to read it because knowing what some words mean and I can get an idea of ​​what the text says. It has helped me a lot to read the texts and then look up the words that I don't understand, in the dictionary, in order to have more vocabulary and to be able to build my blogs or my more secure writings.

This semester, it has helped me a lot to overcome my difficulty of speaking English, listening to music in English, listening to pronunciations on videos or simply trying to imitate what I hear from movies in English.

For me, English is a great challenge, but I put all my effort into learning it correctly.

El método más eficaz para aprender idiomas? Viajar al extranjero ...

Learntalk | Diferentes acentos de inglés de todo el mundo | Learntalk


In the first place, I think that the change in the study program is quite adequate considering the contingency, it’s very positive to be able to continue our studies online, but unfortunately there are many students who don’t manage to enter their classes due to not having internet in their houses. It’s therefore in general the modality seems very good to me, however, it doesn’t include everyone.

On the other hand, the teachers have put all their disposition to help and teach us correctly, they are also very flexible and allow us to discuss the evaluations and try to do well for all of us, which i find very beneficial. Many teachers even leave us their contacts to can to communicate and that we can tell what is happening to us in our day to day, with our families or environment, generating a trust and very nice closeness.

But, unfortunately with all the stress of the pandemic and the things that come out on TV, plus the lockdown and homework, many times i end up with a headache from being at the computer all day, or at night i can´t sleep thinking about everything what is currently happening. In addition, online classes don’t allow you to ask all the questions you would like me, because sometimes the internet goes down, or many classmates talk at the same time, so the information is lost. But at the end of the day i appreciate being able to continue studying and have the resources to do.

Consejos para hacer clases online - Blog IDA Chile | Estrategia ...

lunes, 27 de julio de 2020


I think that personal opinions are very important because it’s from what oneself think, which is why we must respect them. Personally, I feel that i’m respectful of other people’s opinions and thoughts, I always try to listen to what they want to tell me and then say my opinion, but many times people are very aggressive to say what they feel or think about a topic. Many people hurt others with their opinions about the physicality or appearance of others.

They have made me feel bad with comments about me. It’s unfortunate to feel bad just because of the opinion of other people, who often think without knowing of me or talking to me. Personal opinions can positively or negatively affect emotions and that is why we must be careful with what we say about others because we can hurt feelings and hurt our friends or family. Instead, if our personal opinion are positive and help to change bad things about others, they can be welcomed and make others feel good.

Personal opinions are part of our day to dayand we must respect what other think and value it. In addition, we must express our opinions consciously and trying not to hurt people, because with our words we can help aspects of people and criticize constructively.

Therefore, I invite you to think about the good and bad personal opinions that we have made and begin to respect and take care of each other, because words can hurt or help people a lot.

Imágenes, fotos de stock y vectores sobre Personas Conversando De ...


Hello, today i would like to talk about dogs care. I have two dogs, they are called Pako and Pascal and i adore them. When they newly arrived at my house i didn’t know how to care of them and i asked myself if i would do it well, but i did it with simple steps.

  • First step: The feeding. In order to know what was the best food for my dogs i investigated their breed (Poodles) and the vet advised me several brands, but the most important was the quantity and quality. I found a brand that was good and inexpensive that had large portions of proteins and took care its fur perfectly. I give him food twice day, approximately 150 grams of food Each time.
  • Second step: Care. Keeping my dogs healthy consists of periodically taking them to the vet, giving them vaccinations, taking them for walks, having a warms place where they can sleep and fresh water. My dogs also need brushing every day and bathing at least every 2 months because they run the risk of getting cold if i do it very often ☹️
  • Third step: The love. Giving them love and playing with them helps reduce stress and make them feel active. It’s important to consider them part of the family and give a lot of love, congratulating them when they do something positive is very good for them. Many puppies seek to snuggle with their masters as a sign of love and protection. Give him a lot of love.
-Pascal  -Paco


After graduating from my career, i would like to continue studying, take a postgraduate degree, especially in my area, early childhood. I have seen on internet advertising about postgraduate, and one caught my attention. That is postgraduate in motor skills, childhood and education taught by in University of Valparaíso. I would like to study this because it’s a very relevant topic. In addition, many educators don’t feel really prepared to educate all children, including those who have disabilities or difficulties, especially motor, so I would like to have the educational tools to be able to give them the same opportunities as other.

Another option is a Diploma in Montessori and Reggio Emilia educational spaces taught by Santo Tomas University, since both trends that focus education on children, searching them to learn through their interests and contact with the enviroment. I would really like to study a lot about these trends because i know that both are very beneficial for the development of children.

However, i must also consider the values of the post study programs, because both that i named before, are very expensive and first i must work to be able to pay and continue studying and specialize in that i love. But without a doubt i Will dedícate  myself to taking any of those postgraduate courses, because i’m very interested and feel that they would greatly helpchildren in their initial education.

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To start, what seems to me the most difficult in English is to be able to speak it, since many times the pronunciation is not so exact and i...